Tuesday, March 4, 2025


The title ought to read: Politics and Amateur Radio. This is not a politics blog. I won't discuss politics, but I am occasionally willing to discuss the intersection with amateur radio. There can be many impacts, and this is one of those times. At least in this country -- hams are citizens and patriots. Present circumstances are worth a brief article.

I once discussed amateur radio and war on this blog. This is not so terrible but hits closer to home. After all, a small number of democratically elected governments are playing badly with each other. Hams are making choices, as they must. I don't know how many hams on the US side of the border (if any) care, nor will I ask. Well, it's just politics and why would hams pay attention to that stuff?

Let me take you through some of the impacts on and reactions from Canadian hams. I don't know everyone so take this information under advisement. Yet I know enough and far more non-hams, and their behaviours are identical.


We've been here before and yet the vehemence of the reaction is unlike any that I've seen. Ever. Canadians can be incredibly easy going but not now. Almost every ham and non-ham I know that had planned travel to the US has cancelled. That's saying a lot. Not everyone of course, so don't be surprised to see the occasional VE portable W-something.

I'm not going to Hamvention. That isn't saying much since I had no plan to go. It's nice but once every several years is enough for me. Others go every year. Not this year. I wonder how many VE2/3 name tags will be seen this May?


The amateur radio market is small and shrinking. Decades ago there were many ham radio equipment retailers across the country. Now there are only a handful and they are taking extreme measures to survive. There are fewer brands, small inventories and no in-house warranty repair. They have diversified into non-ham electronics, and that may now be the majority of their businesses. Many hams now purchase from retailers in the larger US market. 

Foreign manufacturers have few international distributors and certified repair centres. It is no surprise that many serve Canadian hams from the US. That has just become a big problem since many hams refuse to purchase from the US. Again, not all. I see reactions from absolute refusal to shrugs. I am not planning a major purchase for the next year, but if I do it will pose a dilemma.

The label of "foreign" itself is fraught. When I look at brands like Icom and Elecraft, I see both as foreign. Many hams have treated brands like the latter differently. Not now.

It's not just major purchases. US distributors for parts, certain antenna components and other items are commonly used since it is convenient. Some will change their purchasing habits and some won't. It's difficult to assess how behaviours might change.

Used purchases are unaffected since the transaction is local. Local ham flea markets are safe!


There are hams that refuse to enter contests sponsored by US organizations, and have qualms about LoTW and other services located in the US. I have not changed my behaviour. I still talk to Russians and hams in other problematic countries. Hams communicate and I won't stop doing that. 

The refusniks are a small minority of hams. But they exist and they can be very loud. I know a few.


Everybody has an opinion, and many are too happy to tell you their opinions. I suppose it's understandable to want to blow off steam and get affirmation from others with the same opinions, and even winning others over to their views.

I am not so easily swayed. I listen to the talk and mostly stay silent. Of course I have my opinions but I feel no need to impose them on others. I carefully navigate the social interaction minefield. Speakly loudly is not helpful since opinions are not actionable.

It is understandable that Canadian attitudes to Americans are influenced by politics, and hams are citizens in this regard. It has always been thus. On the other side? Silence.

On the greater global stage, ugly politics may be a small thing. But small things can and do have impacts that will endure for a very long time indeed.